How to write an Article on High Volume Keyword with Low Difficulty

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Write an Article on High Volume Keyword : Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial component of digital marketing, and one of the key strategies for improving a website’s search engine ranking is through the use of keywords. However, not all keywords are created equal, and it’s important to identify high volume keywords with low difficulty in order to maximize your SEO efforts. In this article, we’ll explore what high volume keywords with low difficulty are, why they are important, and how to find them.

What are High Volume Keywords with Low Difficulty?

High volume keywords are search terms that receive a large number of searches per month. These keywords are typically broad and general, such as “shoes” or “recipes.” On the other hand, low difficulty keywords are those that are easy to rank for in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that there is less competition for these keywords, making it easier to rank higher in search engine rankings.

The ideal keywords for SEO are those that have both high volume and low difficulty. These keywords are valuable because they have the potential to drive a significant amount of traffic to your website, without requiring a lot of effort to rank for.

Why are High Volume Keywords with Low Difficulty Important?

High volume keywords with low difficulty are important for several reasons. First, they can help you to generate more traffic to your website. When you rank for a high volume keyword, you increase your visibility in search engine results pages, which can lead to more clicks and visits to your website.

Second, these keywords are valuable because they are easier to rank for. When you focus on keywords that have low difficulty, you can save time and resources on SEO efforts. This can be especially important for small businesses or individuals who have limited budgets or resources.

Finally, high volume keywords with low difficulty can help you to target a wider audience. By focusing on general, high volume keywords, you can attract visitors who may not have otherwise discovered your website. This can be an effective way to increase brand awareness and expand your reach.

How to Find High Volume Keywords with Low Difficulty

Now that you understand the importance of high volume keywords with low difficulty, let’s explore how to find them. There are several tools and strategies that you can use to identify keywords that meet these criteria:

  1. Use a Keyword Research Tool: There are several keyword research tools available, such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, that can help you to identify high volume keywords with low difficulty. These tools provide data on search volume, competition, and other factors that can help you to choose the best keywords for your website.
  2. Analyze Your Competitors: Another strategy is to analyze your competitors’ websites and identify the keywords that they are ranking for. This can give you insights into keywords that are relevant to your industry and have low competition.
  3. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific search terms, such as “best running shoes for women with flat feet.” While these keywords may have lower search volume, they often have lower competition, making them easier to rank for.
  4. Consider Local Keywords: If you have a local business, targeting local keywords can be an effective way to attract visitors from your area. For example, “best pizza in [your city]” or “dentist near me.”


In conclusion, high volume keywords with low difficulty are valuable for improving your website’s SEO and driving more traffic to your site. By using the strategies outlined in this article, you can identify the best keywords for your website and start ranking higher in search engine results pages. Remember to always create high-quality, relevant content that meets the needs of your target audience, and use keywords strategically to improve your website’s visibility and reach.

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